Gyanodaya Public School, Bagodar a Day cum Residential School, affiliated to CBSE (Affiliation No.-3430386) is part of the extended Gyanodaya Public School Society which is well known for its excellent service in the field of education.
We aim to provide an integrated learning structure that helps the child to develop holistically in academics, extra-curricular activities, and various life skills.
The ultimate aim of the school is to contribute to the all-around development of the child where a child is able to become a role model in society. We believe education is not just about books or syllabus but also about learning, practical applications, ethics, life skills, traditions, culture, interpersonal skills, and self-realization.
I personally congratulate our teachers who use various mediums of expression to present their ideas to kindle the imagination of our learners. As long as our ideas are expressed and thoughts kindled we can be sure of learning , as everything begins with an idea. We impart education that is based on conscience and we rear a breed of young minds that are bustling with self-confidence, motivation and ever ready to take up challenges. The campus, sports and academic facilities all bear testimony to this effort. Trained teachers are there not only to teach well but also to inspire confidence and trust in the students...
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Dear Students,
“We want the education by which Character is formed, strength of mind is increased, the intellect is expanded and by which one can stand on one’s own feet.” Swami Vivekananda These words by Swami Vivekananda perfectly describe our aim at Gyanodaya Public School. The entire purpose of learning is not to restrict itself imparting bookish knowledge only but to inculcate humanitarian values like wisdom, discipline, compassion, courage, humility, integrity and reliability etc. in a student. Our aim is to teach students to LEARN not just STUDY...
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