
Refund Policy

We understand that circumstances may arise that require students or parents to withdraw from our school. To ensure transparency and fairness, we have developed the following refund policy:

  • Refund Eligibility: Refunds will only be granted to students who have withdrawn from the school or have not yet started the academic year.
  • Refund Amount: The amount of the refund will depend on the date of withdrawal. If a student withdraws before the start of the academic year, they will be entitled to a full refund of the tuition fee paid. If a student withdraws after the start of the academic year, the school will prorate the refund based on the amount of time the student spent in school.
  • Refund Request Deadline: Students or parents must submit a written request for a refund within 30 days of the date of withdrawal.
  • Administrative Fees: The school may deduct administrative fees from the refund amount to cover any costs associated with processing the refund.
  • Non-Refundable Fees: Some fees, such as application fees, registration fees, and book fees, are non-refundable and will not be included in the refund amount.

We understand that each situation is unique, and we are committed to working with our students and parents to ensure that any refund requests are handled in a fair and timely manner. If you have any questions about our refund policy, please contact our school office. We reserve the right to modify this refund policy at any time, and any changes will be communicated to students and parents in writing.